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National Biomedical Resource
for Advanced Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy

Our research is supported by grant 1R24GM146107 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), part of the National Institutes of Health.

  Key publications

Dipolar Spectroscopy – Single-Resonance Methods
P. P. Borbat and J. H. Freed.
eMagRes 6 425-462 (2017)
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Pulse Dipolar Electron Spin Resonance: Distance Measurements
P.P. Borbat and J.H. Freed.
In Structural Information from Spin-Labels and Intrinsic Paramagnetic Centers in the Biosciences. Structure and Bonding. Vol. 152. J. Harmer and C. Timmel, Eds.
Springer: Heidelberg, Germany; New York, USA, 2013; pp. 1-82.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Stochastic Methods for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies
A. Polimeno, V. Barone, and J.H. Freed.
In Computational Strategies for Spectroscopy: From Small Molecules to Nano Systems; V. Barone, Ed.
Wiley: New York, NY, 2012; Chapter 12.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Protein Dynamics by NMR Spin Relaxation: The Slowly Relaxing Local Structure Perspective
E. Meirovitch, A. Polimeno, and J.H. Freed.
In E. Mag. Res. Online, R.K. Harris and R.L. Wasylishen, Eds.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, 2011; pp 1-9.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Distance Measurements: Continuous-Wave (CW)- and Pulsed Dipolar EPR
S.K. Misra and J.H. Freed.
In Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, S.K. Misra, Ed.
Wiley-VCH: New York, 2011; Chapter 12, pp. 545-588.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Molecular Motions
S.K. Misra and J.H. Freed.
In Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, S.K. Misra, Ed.
Wiley-VCH: New York, 2011; Chapter 11, pp. 497-544.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Structural Dynamics of Bio-Macromolecules by NMR: The Slowly Relaxing Local Structure Approach
E. Meirovitch, Y.E. Shapiro, A. Polimeno, J.H. Freed.
Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, 56, 360-405 (2010).
PMID: 20625480      PMCID: PMC2899824

Membrane Fluidity
B. Dzikovski and J.H. Freed.
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology; T. P. Begley and B. A. Baird, Eds.
Wiley; Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2009; Chapter 2, pp 728-741.
PMID: [None - Book]      PMCID: [None - Book]

Pros and Cons of Pulse Dipolar ESR: DQC and DEER
P.P. Borbat and J.H. Freed.
EPR Newsletter 17, 21-33 (2007).

Rigid Body Refinement of Protein Complexes with Long-Range Distance Restraints from Pulsed Dipolar ESR
J. Bhatnagar, J.H. Freed, and B.R. Crane.
In Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B, M. Simon, B.R. Crane and A.B. Crane, Eds.
Methods in Enzymology 423, Ch. 4, pp. 117-133 (2007).
PMID: 17609128     

Measuring Distances by Pulsed Dipolar ESR Spectroscopy: Spin-Labeled Histidine Kinases
P.P. Borbat and J.H. Freed.
In Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B, M. Simon, B.R. Crane and A.B. Crane, Eds.
Methods in Enzymology 423, Ch. 3, pp. 52-116 (2007).
PMID: 17609127     

High-Frequency ESR at ACERT
K.A. Earle, B. Dzikovski, W. Hofbauer, J.K. Moscicki and J.H. Freed.
Magn. Reson. Chem. 43, S256-S266 (2005).
PMID: 16235203     

ESR and Molecular Dynamics
J.H. Freed.
In Biomedical EPR, Part B: Methodology, Instrumentation and Dynamics, S.S. Eaton, G.R. Eaton, and L.J. Berliner, Eds.
Biological Magnetic Resonance 24, Chapter 9, pp. 239-268 (2005). (Kluwer, NY).

The Development of High Field/High Frequency ESR: Historical Overview
J.H. Freed.
In Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR, O. Grinberg and L.J. Berliner, Eds.
Biological Magnetic Resonance 22, Chapter 2, pp. 19-43 (2004). (Kluwer, NY).

High Field ESR: Applications to Protein Structure and Dynamics: HF ESR Protein Structure and Dynamics
K.A. Earle and A.I. Smirnov.
In Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR, O. Grinberg and L.J. Berliner, Eds.
Biological Magnetic Resonance 22, Chapter 4, pp. 95-143 (2004). (Kluwer, NY).

Sample Resonators for Quasioptical EPR: A Practical Guide for Biological Applications
D.E. Budil and K.A. Earle.
In Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR, O. Grinberg and L.J. Berliner, Eds.
Biological Magnetic Resonance 22, Chapter 11, pp. 353-399 (2004). (Kluwer, NY).

Modern ESR Methods in Studies of the Dynamic Structure of Proteins and Membranes
J.H. Freed.
In EPR in the 2lst. Century , A. Kawamori, J. Yamauchi, and H. Ohta, Eds.
Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 719-730 (2002).

Electron Spin Resonance in Studies of Membranes and Proteins
P.P. Borbat, A.J. Costa-Filho, K.A. Earle, J.K. Moscicki, J.H. Freed.
Science 291, 266-269, (2001).
PMID: 11253218     

New Technologies in Electron Spin Resonance
J.H. Freed.
Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 51, 655-689 (2000).
PMID: 11031296     

Double Quantum ESR and Distance Measurements
P.P. Borbat and J.H. Freed.
In Distance Measurements in Biological Systems by EPR, L.J. Berliner, S.S. Eaton, and G.R, Eaton, Eds.
Biological Magnetic Resonance 19, Chapter 9, pp. 383-459 (2000). (Kluwer, NY).