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National Biomedical Resource
for Advanced Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy

Our research is supported by grant 1R24GM146107 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), part of the National Institutes of Health.

  Key publications
ESR Microscopy

ESR Microscopy for Biological and Biomedical Applications
C.S. Shin, C.R. Dunnam, P.P. Borbat, B. Dzikovski, E.D. Barth, H.J. Halpern, and J.H. Freed.
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Letters 3, 561-567 (2011).
PMID: 21984955      PMCID: PMC3188420

Scanned-Probe Detection of Electron Spin Resonance from a Nitroxide Spin Probe
E.W. Moore, S.G. Lee, S.A. Hickman, S.J. Wright, L.E. Harrell, P.P. Borbat, J.H. Freed, and J.A. Marohn.
PNAS 106, 22251-22256 (2009).
Supporting Information
PMID: 20018707      PMCID: PMC2799694

Electron Spin Resonance Microscope for Imaging With Micron Resolution
A. Blank, C.R. Dunnam, P.P. Borbat, J.H. Freed.
Patent #7,403,008 B2, July 22, 2008

Oxygen Effects on the EPR Signals from Wood Charcoals: Experimental Results and the Development of a Model
O.Y. Grinberg, B.B. Williams, A.E. Ruuge, S.A. Grinberg, D.E. Wilcox, H.M. Swartz, and J.H. Freed.
J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 13316-13324 (2007).
PMID: 17973414     

ESR Microscopy and Nanoscopy with "Induction" Detection
A. Blank and J.H. Freed.
Isr. J. Chem. 46, 423-438 (2006).

Electron Spin Resonance Microscopy Applied to the Study of Controlled Drug Release
A. Blank, J.H. Freed, N.P. Kumar, C.-H. Wang.
J. Cont. Rel. 111, 174-184 (2006).
PMID: 16460828     

Pulsed Three-Dimensional Electron Spin Resonance Microscopy
A. Blank, C.R. Dunnam, P.P. Borbat, and J.H. Freed.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5430-5432 (2004).

A Three-Dimensional Electron Spin Resonance Microscope
A. Blank, C.R. Dunnam, P.P. Borbat, and J.H. Freed.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3050-3061 (2004).

High Resolution Electron Spin Resonance Microscopy
A. Blank, C.R. Dunnam, P.P. Borbat, and J.H. Freed.
J. Magn. Reson. 165, 116-127 (2003).
PMID: 14568522